Thursday, April 17, 2008

Favorite Quote

Here is one of my favorite quotes, it is from a talk by Vaughan J Featherstone:

If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it,
If only desire of it makes your aim strong enough
Never to tire of it,
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it
If gladly you'll sweat for it,
Fret for it,
Plan for it,
Pray with all your strength for it,
If you simply go after the thing that you want
With all you capacity,
strength and sagacity,
Faith, hope, confidence, and stern pertinacity,
If neither cold or poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness, nor pain,
Of body or brain,
Can turn you away from the aim that you want,
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,

Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on through life,
All I ask is a field that is fair,
A chance to be equal to all in the strife,
A courage to strive and to dare,
If I should win, let it be by the code,
With my head and my honor held high.
If I should lose, let me stand by the road
And cheer as the winners go by.

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